Urban Jungle Bloggers

#1 Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plants and Irish Cream

by Barbara-

 You know you are a gardener when everything you see is a potential planter. 

I saw this written on a poster once. This couldn’t be far from the truth for a plant fanatic like me. So when I found this very interesting cup from a thrift store while visiting my sister over the Christmas holidays, naturally, I thought, “This would make an excellent planter!”. I had to have it. I mused about my first time thrifting for planters here if you are interested. 


Yum! It’s a Bailey’s cup! You know, the makers of Irish cream? This cup brought back childhood memories of my sister, cousins and I stealing sips of Baileys Irish cream at family gatherings when no adults were looking (Sorry Mom). We were the four musketeers – Or more so like the three musketeers plus D’Artagnan. I was the youngest, so you can guess which one I was. Young enough for them to not include me in everything, but old enough to not dismiss me completely. Aaaahh, good times! Anyway, back to the cup. I brought the cup home and daydreamed of the perfect plant to compliment it. I decided to go with an Echeveria (naturally).

P & B

So I had the perfect cup and the perfect plant in mind, yet I was hesitant to put it together. Why? Well, I know in order to keep the Echeveria happy, I needed to drill a drainage hole in the bottom of the cup. Mind you I have succulents in containers with no drainage hole and they are fine. But every now and then, I obsess about them not having holes and how I have to take care not to over water and blah blah blah….. So you see, putting a drainage hole was not only to keep the plant happy but also to give me peace of mind. I thought about drilling a hole, as ‘D’ had helped me do previously with a ceramic pot (we used a masonry bit), but I was afraid I would break the cup in the process because I didn’t have the right drilling equipment this time. I think I need a glass or tile bit but haven’t invested in one yet.  So alas, no shopping for Echeveria and the cup just sat there on the coffee table, staring back at me with that wink as if saying “You know you are keeping me from reaching my full potential”.


Then something happened! I stumbled on this on-line community of plant-loving bloggers called Urban Jungle Bloggers created by Igor of Happy Interior Blog and Judith of Joelix.com. The idea behind this project is to get some green into our homes and blogs! Every month Igor and Judith invite bloggers to share ideas regarding a particular green theme or topic. You don’t have to be a plant blogger to be part of this. For January, the theme was plants and coffee (or tea, or tequila or any drink that tickles your fancy) and participating bloggers had to be creative in using this theme to write a blog post. Since I am not a coffee drinker, I quickly thought of ‘Plants and Tea’, and perhaps making a post about tea gardens. I have always wanted to try my hands at one. But then I remembered my Baileys cup and thought this was the perfect challenge to motivate me to do what I had wanted to do with this cup from the beginning.

P & B
I’ll have Irish cream please!

I can’t say I have had Irish cream since those steal-a-sip-when-mom-is-not-looking days but I think the Baileys cup fits perfectly with this month’s challenge. So this is my Urban Jungle Bloggers spin on this month’s theme – Plants and Baileys Irish Cream! I am pleased to have found other plant lovers and looking forward to more posts with Urban Jungle Bloggers.

irish cream

sign off


Hi, I’m Barbara and I’m a little obsessed with house plants. I share my house plant adventures in the hopes of inspiring you to continue to enjoy the greens in your home. And if you have no plants (yet!) I hope this blog inspires you to add some green to your home. So go on! Try it! I think you might quite like it. And who knows? You may end up being … obsessed too.


  1. dellob

    Why do cover-up what people write??

    26 . Feb . 2015
    • Barbara

      Hi dellob, the comments do not show until I approve them. This is a way to prevent spammers. Rest assured I don’t block out comments from real people as long as they are not disrespectful to other readers.

      26 . Feb . 2015
  2. Judith

    Exactly, it’s like Jacqueline suggested above: a medusa head. And a very funky hair-do! Also love the quote and the childhood adventures 😉 Thank you for participating Barbara!

    31 . Jan . 2015
    • Barbara

      Yea, I love how the succulent looks like a hair do too. Thanks for visiting Judith!

      31 . Jan . 2015
  3. Igor

    Oh my, I love that quote – it’s so true:-) and here’s another admission: I love Irish cream☺️

    30 . Jan . 2015
    • Barbara

      Thanks for visiting Igor!

      30 . Jan . 2015
  4. Rhonda

    Love the planter!

    29 . Jan . 2015
    • Barbara

      Thanks Rhonda! I hope I find more of these, then I can have a whole collection of funky face planters

      30 . Jan . 2015
  5. Jacqueline

    Looove this post! Its great to see what u eventually did with this cup 😉 I think its perfect. Looks like a cuter version of ‘head of Medusa’ ! Love the photos too! The cup has so much character ;-p

    29 . Jan . 2015
    • Barbara

      Yes Jacqueline,
      The succulent looks really good in the cup doesn’t it? Glad you love the pictures.

      29 . Jan . 2015

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