The Plants at Yours

The Plants at Parm and Chandan’s

by Barbara-

One of my favourite things to do when going for walks is looking at people’s plant window displays (from a a nonintrusive and acceptable distance in case you were wondering :)). And when I enter a home and find they have plants, even better. I get all excited. This was the reason I created “The Plants at Yours”. For me to get a chance to view and share other people’s plants and let them tell their stories. It is so much more convenient to view beautiful plants from the couch at home than peeping into windows. Now let’s take a peek at the plants at Parm and Chandan’s.

Your name: Chandan B.
Occupation: Doctor of Chiropractic



Where you live: Ottawa,ON, Canada

Number of plants you own: 13


How long you have been into plants and how did you get introduced: We received 5 plants in a basket as a wedding gift from a family friend. 3 of those 5 are still alive and thriving today. That got us started into it big time.
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Name any benefits you get from your plants: the same benefit one gets from caring for something and nurturing it I guess. We don’t have any pets, so these plants give love back to us by flourishing! Not to even mention that they clean the air as a bonus

IMG_0083What kind of plants do you like?: We can’t really name any genus but we do like money plants since when they grow, they really spread and make the home richer. I also like my coffee plant

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Can you share the biggest challenge you have had with your plants?: Trying to get the nutrition/watering down to a science. Some plants need to be watered more regularly, others not so much. Trial and error I guess

IMG_0030 newCan you share one mistake you made as a gardener?: Over watering and adding coffee grounds to indoor plants. They grew mold and the soil went funny

If your plants were to be taken from you and you could only keep one, which one would it be and why?: If my coffee plant was bigger and flourishing, I’d like to keep that

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Best advice you can give about taking care of plants: Plants are living beings. My mom always taught us to speak to them as such. So at the risk of sounding crazy, yes, we sometimes talk to our plants.

 Thank you Parm and Chandan for sharing the joy of plants.

Would you like your plants featured here? Go to The Plants at Yours to learn more.

Send your pictures or questions to



Hi, I’m Barbara and I’m a little obsessed with house plants. I share my house plant adventures in the hopes of inspiring you to continue to enjoy the greens in your home. And if you have no plants (yet!) I hope this blog inspires you to add some green to your home. So go on! Try it! I think you might quite like it. And who knows? You may end up being … obsessed too.


  1. Jacqueline

    Wow! They have so many plants! Love them all. Hope I get to that level one day

    30 . Apr . 2015
    • Barbara

      Take it one day at a time Jacqueline. You can only learn from your mistakes in gardening.

      30 . Apr . 2015

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